Program Offerings
- Main Campus
- Balilihan Campus
- Bilar Campus
- Calape Campus
- Candijay Campus
- Clarin Campus
College of Engineering and Architecture
- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Architecture
- Bachelor of Science in Fine Arts major in Industrial Design
College of Teacher Education
- Bachelor of Elementary Education
- Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English
- Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Filipino
- Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Mathematics
- Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Social Studies
- Bachelor of Physical Education
- Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education major in Industrial Technology
- Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education major in Home Economics
- Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education major in Beauty Care and Wellness
- Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education major in Automotive Technology
- Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education major in Civil and Construction Technology
- Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education major in Electrical Technology
- Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education major in Food and Services Management
- Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education major in Garments and Fashion Design
- Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education major in Hotel and Restaurant Services Technology
College of Arts and Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science in Public Administration
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
College of Business and Management
- Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship
- Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
- Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management
- Bachelor of Science in Office Administration
College of Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Electronics Technology
- Bachelor of Industrial Technology major in Automotive Technology
- Bachelor of Industrial Technology major in Civil Technology
- Bachelor of Industrial Technology major in Cosmetology Technology
- Bachelor of Industrial Technology major in Drafting Technology
- Bachelor of Industrial Technology major in Food Preparation and Service Management
- Bachelor of Industrial Technology major in Garments Technology
- Bachelor of Industrial Technology major in Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration Technology
- Bachelor of Industrial Technology major in Mechanical Technology
- Bachelor of Industrial Technology major in Wood Technology
School of Advanced Studies
- Doctor of Education major in Educational Management
- Doctor of Philosophy major in Technology Management
- Master in Public Administration
- Master of Science in Mathematics
- Master of Education major in Educational Management
- Master of Arts in Teaching Vocational Education major in Automotive Technology
- Master of Arts in Teaching Vocational Education major in Civil Technology
- Master of Arts in Teaching Vocational Education major in Drafting Technology
- Master of Arts in Teaching Vocational Education major in Electrical Technology
- Master of Arts in Teaching Vocational Education major in Electronics Technology
- Master of Arts in Teaching Vocational Education major in Food Technology
- Master of Arts in Teaching Vocational Education major in Garments Technology
- Master of Arts in Teaching Vocational Education major in Mechanical Technology
- Master of Science in Industrial Technology major in Automotive Technology
- Master of Science in Industrial Technology major in Civil Technology
- Master of Science in Industrial Technology major in Drafting Technology
- Master of Science in Industrial Technology major in Electrical Technology
- Master of Science in Industrial Technology major in Electronics Technology
- Master of Science in Industrial Technology major in Food Technology
- Master of Science in Industrial Technology major in Garments Technology
- Master of Science in Industrial Technology major in Mechanical Technology
School of Medicine
- Doctor of Medicine
College of Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Electronics Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology major in Food Preparation and Service Management
- Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology major in Garments Technology
College of Computing and Information Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
College of Criminal Justice
- Bachelor of Science in Criminology
College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
- Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
- Bachelor of Science in Forestry
College of Teacher Education
- Bachelor of Elementary Education major in General Education
- Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English
- Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Filipino
- Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Mathematics
- Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education major in Home Economics
- Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education major in Agri-Fishery Arts
College of Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
- Bachelor of Science in Office Administration
- Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology major in Automotive Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology major in Food Preparation and Service Management
School of Advanced Studies
- Doctor of Philosophy major in Community Development
- Master in Agriculture and Development major in Community Development
- Master in Agriculture and Development major in Agricultural Development
- Master in Agriculture and Development major in Agricultural Education
- Master in Agriculture and Development major in Rural Systems Management
- Master in Public Administration major Personnel Development
- Master in Education major in Educational Management
College of Teacher Education
- Bachelor of Elementary Education
- Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English
- Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Mathematics
College of Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology major in Food Preparation and Services Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology major in Electrical Technology
College of Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
- Bachelor of Science in Office Administration
- Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology major in Automotive Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology major in Food Preparation and Service Management
College of Midwifery
- Bachelor of Science in Midwifery
College of Fisheries
- Bachelor of Science in Fisheries
College of Fisheries and Marine Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Fisheries
- Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science major in Coastal Resource Management
College of Teacher Education
- Bachelor of Elementary Education
- Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English
- Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Filipino
- Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Science
- Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Mathematics
College of Technology and Allied Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Office Administration
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
School of Advanced Studies
- Master in Education major in Educational Management
College of Teacher Education
- Bachelor of Elementary Education
- Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Mathematics
- Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education major in Home Economics
- Bridging Course
College of Technology and Allied Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science major in Coastal Resource Management